Business Services

The purpose of the Business Services Department is to support the school district in meeting its educational goals by operating as the financial hub of the district. Business Services is responsible for accounting, finance, and MARSS/Ed-Fi student accounting.

Mora Public Schools is subject to an annual audit.

The guidelines by which the audit is conducted can be found with the Office of the State Auditor.

For more information on school finance, Minnesota School Finance: A Guide for Legislators, published by the Minnesota House Research, provides a comprehensive review of school finance in Minnesota.

A Truth in Taxation presentation is given at the regular school board meeting in December of each year.

Property Tax Refund information is available here.

Eric Bartusch

Eric Bartusch

Business Manager

(320) 679-6200 Ext. 5520

District Office: 118 9th Street Mora, MN 55051

Paula Janousek

Paula Janousek

Payroll Coordinator

(320) 679-6200 Ext. 7509

District Office: 118 9th Street Mora, MN 55051

Julie Olen

Julie Belisle

Accounts Payable

(320) 679-6200 Ext. 7502

District Office: 118 9th Street Mora, MN 55051